Airport operation solutions

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With more than 45 years in the airport market, Trebide has pool of technological solutions designed to improve the operation of these infrastructures from different management areas.

Throughout history, Trebide airport operation solutions have been implemented in more than 140 airports around the world, evolving in line with the aeronautical industry, adapting to the new needs of these infrastructures.

FIDS – Flight Information Display System

Trebide’s FIDS solution is Dolphin, an integrated airport information suite, responsible for guiding passengers efficiently and comfortably through the Airport.

Trebide’s FIDS solution has three modules:

  • ico trebide
    Public Information System (FIDS): information tool that allows flight information to be displayed in real time to passengers and Airport stakeholders.
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    Advertising Module (ADS): marketing tool that interfaces with any FIDS to share areas of flight information screens in order to implement entertainment content and high-impact marketing campaigns. It allows the creation and management of spots, advertisements and TV channels.
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    Automatic Public Address System (AFAS): information tool that is responsible for directing passengers through the existing Public Address System (PAS).

AODB – Airport Operational DataBase

Trebide’s AODB solution is Dolphin, an integrated airport information suite, responsible for managing the main airport operational processes through flight scheduling and resource allocation.

Designed for medium-sized or regional airports, Dolphin is a modular, lightweight, flexible and reliable tool for those airport operators who need to maximize efficiency in flight and resource management processes through automation.

Trebide’s AODB solution has two modules:

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    Airport Database (AODB): flight management tool that allows, in a centralized manner, to manage both seasonal (or seasonal) flights and daily flights.
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    Media Management Module (RMS): module that allows managing the assignment and use of the airport’s fixed resources (stands, gates, check-in and belts) to the different airport flights, controlling and recording their use for future analysis.

Slots Coordination

Trebide’s Slot Coordination solution is a platform that allows you to manage requests from airlines that want to operate at an airport and check whether the airport’s resource capabilities are sufficient or adequate to accommodate these operations. These requests are called Airport Slots.

It is a tool for strategic planning of airport operations. It allows the airport to receive requests from airlines in advance, plan the Summer and Winter seasons based on the WSG calendar, standardize messaging with airlines and monitor the correct use of planned slots.

SIC-NS – Computer System for Verifying Service Levels

Trebide’s SIC-NS solution is a platform intended to control compliance with the Service Levels that the airport wishes to monitor. Initially created as a BI solution for airports, at Trebide we have adapted this system to meet the requirements demanded by the MOP in Chile for airports, where they are required to implement a Computer System for the Verification of Service Levels ( SIC-NS).

This solution, through the integration of multiple systems and data sources, collects the necessary information to feed the different KPIs that are defined, delivering clear, timely and reliable information to the airport, allowing control of the measured Service Levels.

ESB – Enterprise Service Bus

Trebide’s ESB solution aims to be the central integration point of all airport systems, providing the optimization of airport processes, from those oriented to the passenger, to those oriented to the aircraft, also including monitoring and management. of the baggage process.
This platform, to achieve its mission, uses Web Services standards and formats designed for the aeronautical industry (AIDX), allowing the integration and transformation of systems that do not use said standards, orchestrating the information in different channels so that each system can consume the information. information you require.

The ESB solution also has a tool for managing events and business rules and Trebide has implemented this tool in airports of different sizes, demonstrating the ability to adapt to different realities.

